YWAM Maastricht

Called to know God and make Him known


We are a pioneering team that was sent out from YWAM Heidebeek, and is a part of the global YWAM family. We are a diverse and international community located in Maastricht with a heart to see people drastically transformed as they encounter Jesus and the Gospel.
We love being family on a mission, standing together while growing in our relationship with God, discovering more in the Bible and then living it out on a daily basis.


Maastricht is the oldest city in the Netherlands and the capital of Limburg, the oddly-shaped Dutch province nestled between Belgium and Germany. The city is known for it’s rich history, catholic roots and music scene. The Maastricht is also home to the most international university of the Netherlands and attracts thousands of students around the world. Many tourists come each year to camp, bike and walk in the surrounding rolling hills that are very iconic for this beautiful part of the Netherlands. Maastricht is a city full of life and beauty!


YWAM Maastricht is a community of followers of Jesus, called to know God and make Him known. We seek Gods will in our daily life, train people to follow Jesus and reach out to those in need. We want to see Maastricht and Europe transform into a place where people love God above all else and others as themselves.


When we visited Maastricht in our first outreach (November 2019) we felt a strong sense that it could be the city we might move to. During our time there, God spoke that He wanted to re-open old wells and that there was something new coming…


We love to host teams from different schools or program YWAM and non-YWAM. Churches and groups that want to reach out and make God known are all welcome.
